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10 Must-watch fashion talks

By FashionUnited


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Media usage and intake continues to change dramatically following waves of technological development and the subsequently shifting habits of millennials and succeeding generations. While television used to be king, videos are now being consumed more and more via on-demand streaming services like Youtube, and younger generations have become accustomed to watching what they want, when they want. So, since it is clear that hardly anyone can abstain from watching, FashionUnited has put together a few videos on the subject of fashion to appease your viewing needs.

1. Suzi Vaughan on Fashion Design Thinking

Suzi Vaughan is a designer and professor at Queensland University of Technology. In her TED talk, she encourages listeners to approach life the way fashion designers approach their creative process: creatively, flexibly and optimistically. Above all, she wants us to use our influence to inspire others.

2. Paola Antonelli on the history of hoodies

Paola Antonelli has set herself the task of explaining designs that have changed the world. The Italian curator has worked at the Museum of Modern Art since 1994 and became its Director of Research and Development in 2012. The hoodie - a staple in just about everyone's wardrobe - has undoubtedly undergone a number of drastic changes during its 3000-year history, and remains a piece of clothing that is as simple as it is exciting.

3. Josh Luber on sneaker investments

Josh Luber is a sneakerhead who has turned his hobby into his profession: he analyses transactions on the 1.2 billion dollar shoe resale market, and asks the question: Are sneakers more like stocks or like drugs? And why is Nike the ‘sole’ ruler of this scene?

4. Walé Oyéjidé on Inclusivity Time Travel

Walé Oyéjidé is a Nigerian-American designer who uses fashion to represent marginalized groups through integrating people with dark skin color into classic paintings that usually show only white people. By attributing marginalized representation and historical identity into his work, he creates the basis for a new vision of the future, as can be seen through his costume design in the Black Panther film.

5. Vanessa Friedman in conversation with Dries Van Noten

One of the world's most creative designers and one of the world's most respected fashion journalists talk about a changing industry, and why it's easier for a designer today when their brand is part of a large conglomerate.

6. Hussein Chalayan on being an outsider

As one of the most extraordinary designers of our time, Hussein Chalayan talks about his experiences as an outsider and how various stages of his life have inspired him to create iconic designs that transcend the boundaries between fashion, art and design.

7. Omer Kulka on the transformation of the fashion industry through online commerce

The online fashion revolution is in full swing. The thesis: Amazon fundamentally changed the book trade, with the same happening to the music industry through Apple's iTunes. Now it's the turn of the fashion business.

8. The environmental footprint of a T-shirt

The life cycle of a simple white T-shirt is relatively easy to understand and relatively heterogeneous. Cotton from three main growing countries is shipped to one of the main processing countries for processing and then sold in the wealthier countries of the West, but the footprint of our clothes doesn't end after purchasing them. So what can you do to extend the life cycle and reduce your own environmental footprint?

9. Carrie Hammer on diversity on the catwalk

"Role models instead of Runway models" is the motto of this inspiring talk by designer Carrie Hammer, who anticipated the current Runway Revolution and sent the first model in a wheelchair onto the catwalk of New York Fashion Week.

10. Tala Raasi on the freedom that fashion offers

The Iranian fashion designer talks about her experiences as an adolescent in a state that tries to suppress freedom. For her, true freedom is the ability to exercise choice and to be able to take control of her own life and decisions, regardless of the risk of failure. Her tools: fashion and business.

Addendum: Isaac Mizrahi about buttons

Isaac Mizrahi loves buttons. After watching this video, you probably will, too.

Photo credit: Youtube, Still

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